I will start to share my personal view of my spiritual mentor, Keiko Sensei with the world.
Now, I am learning from one historical figure, Inazou Nitobe who connected Japan to the world. Bushido, the way of Samurai written by Inazou has been used in textbook of Japanese.
So following Inazou’s philosophy, I decided to challenge myself to tell Keiko Sensei to the world translating my Japanese Blog “Path to the Bodhisattva and a story of a certain GLA member” to English with helps from my GLA friends.
It is difficult for me to post blogs in English frequently, but I want to do at least once in a year.
———from here,translating from Japanese blog——————–
Time flies and the end of this year is fast approaching.
Relaying from the Yokohama Arena to entire Japan via satellite, GLA’s annual Gathering of Gratitude was held on December 9, 2013.
Gathering of Gratitude is one of the Four Holy annual gatherings of GLA, and it has been held at the end of each year.
Worksheet of three merits of the year
The worksheet for three major merits on the year is delivered to participants with the invitation to the gathering in advance. Many members of GLA participate in the gathering with completed sheet thinking of three merits.
The sheet consists of three sections and each section is titled “I used to be”,”Now I could be this way” and “why I could be this way” to guide you, but at the beginning I couldn’t be conscious of the existence of my blessing.
The only thing I could think was that this year has been so hard and stressful, but I did not find anything to be thankful. I felt obligated to complete the worksheet like a homework just because the worksheet was sent to me. (of course it is not mandatory to submit the worksheet or not, it depends on individual.)
Blessing Number 1: My work
First thing of all, I began to reflect this year’s my work which was harder than ever.
The past few years, during year-end and New Year holidays, I wrote letters to Keiko Sensei about my reflection of the previous year and resolution to the next year. When I read back copies of the previous letters, I was surprised myself looking at my desire written in the beginning of the year.
I declared to Keiko Sensei in my letter, ” I want to start new essential steps with reflecting this ten or more years corporate path and deepening my regret and wish.”
Maybe because I wrote the letter, on my birthday, I received a message from Keiko Sensei.
In the process of searching for my deep inner consciousness and God’s Will, I took some drastic action, and then project was moved on.
Many hidden problems in my company surfaced at once. I had to think about the reason deeply. I began to search for starting new project to reestablish my company. At the end, we retrospected last 20 or 30 years’ faults and the cause when veteran workers in this field was leaving the company.
I used to think myself as a victim, but when I started Atojie (Reflection), I began to understand the structure of the company causing problems from ancient time.
To reach to that point , I went through truly very strong stress at work, but I continued to write the reflection sheet for changing to INNEN Side Human(have right to control own life), and go to GLA’s temple every week, and searching for Keiko seisei’s thinking and Divine thinking. If I didn’t receive the sheet, this company project would have been cancelled much earlier.
I sometime had overwhelming pressure on decision making at work, I asked many times to Keiko Sensei in my heart, “Is this right or not?”.
And when I felt Keiko Sensei saying “OK, go this way”, then I run the decision, and I did my best to respond to every mail and every meeting.
At the end, we could start new project to change the root problems.
By reflecting my way, I could understand that declaring my will to Keiko Sensei made my goal come true. However, I had no idea how hard to get through. Thanks to Keiko Sensei, my inner consciousness was deepened again because she lead me to get over this tough ordeal.
In my spirit, I have aspiration to revitalize Japanese Manufacturing industry, and I want to succeed it by following the model who reestablished Japan after World War II such as Mr Honda and Fujisawa,Mr Ibuka,and Mr Matsushita. They will lead me to achieve my aspiration.
Blessing Number 2: Internet communication
One another blessing,I wrote Keiko Sensei in the following way at the beginning of the year.
・Using SNS more efficiently,and we will access to the blueprint about how to tell Keiko Sensei and the Light of divine truth theory to the world,then widen the path much more.
This Blog is also one of the challenge,but I should say why I started this challenge, because in the world of internet,there were a lot of false information about Keiko Sensei and GLA.
I often hear that many participants who was moved to the Keiko Sensei’s lecture says “I don’t know this wonderful lecture and GLA, it’s so mottainai if you don’t tell it to the world”
Even though it’s so wonderful but it didn’t spread,there were some reasons and necessity I think.
This is my guess,GLA’s experience is too wonderful to express by word especially universe experience like experience of the soul.
Everybody feel impatience if we want to tell my wonderful experience by word,then we could tell less than 10% compared to my real experience,
Much more,The more people understand Keiko Sensei and GLA much deeper ,the more people will stop telling Keiko Sensei by internet.
It’s a feeling like this”It is impossible to express this impression by word”.
There are deep groove that can’t be filled between understanding information and Impression from experience.
Then why I started this way? Because,I was told from a man hurting to the false information about GLA to spread good information about GLA, even though not so high level.
At the same time,in my dream,I wished with tear to Keiko Sensei lecturing to the people that I want to tell Keiko Sensei to the world.
After that I started Blog and began my challenge to tell Keiko Sensei and GLA by internet.Thanks to the facebook prevalent,we could made project team to activate members exchange.
In youth group, many information was begun to exchange across the area and Light of each challenge was spread widely.
And thanks to everybody,ranking of the blog was advanced gradually.
Google search ranking result
Search by “GLA” ranking is 24th(if excepting benz 7th)
Search by “GLA会員(member)” ranking is 5th
Search by “高橋佳子” ranking is 24th
Monthly access is about 900 user, and 1850 pageview. In some area my blog comes to ranked upper than false information about GLA.
There is the immature ,but if I could tell GLA’s wonderful point very little, it is my pleasure unexpectedly.
Blessing Number 3: Special memorial service in GLA
And the third is Special memorial service in GLA ,it was really special to me.
I want to tell it in another chance exactly,but I could understand that not only I was healed but also my complete relatives was healed.
I volunteered at GLA’s project and I felt I was contributed to the GLA.
My thanks to Keiko Sensei was so deep because I was healed from hell. It was too big to return through my life.Then I wanted to return my debt to Keiko Sensei through volunteer little by little.
But through Special memorial service in GLA,I could understand my complete relatives was healed.then I could understand I was healed completely by Keiko Sensei’s effort to help us using several ten times several hundred times and more energy compared to may volunteer energy.
Usually I couldn’t understand because of my low level sense,but in the light field of Special memorial service in GLA,I could realize Part of truth,then I could realize what is Keiko Sensei, with deepening my thanks to Keiko Sensei, I also deepened my regret to my foolishness to Keiko Sensei.
This way ,through deepening three major gift ,I touched to the deep meaning of meeting Keiko Sensei called Tathagata ,I could deepened my thanks that I am meeting the true master searching for through several reincarnations.
I could finally met Keiko Sensei longing for a long long time over reincarnation ,and meeting to friend through reincarnation ,and could take the lesson to master the true wisdom to overcome several ordeals. very full year.
It is truly difficult to express by word but I was filled with thankness to Keiko Sensei,and I will memorize thankness more deeply.
Next year I think Keiko Sensei will advance to public like this latest book ,and I want to reply Keiko Sensei much more even though very little.
If you want to buy a book written by Keiko Takahashi,Please access to Sampo Publishing site as below.